Smooth(ie) Talk

Smoothies have always been a favorite of mine – they’re such a convenient way to jam-pack a single beverage with a ton of nutrients. I’m always randomly craving them, and that’s probably my body’s subtle way of begging for sustainable ingredients, LOL. They’re also one of the easiest drinks to make – there’s no exact science involved with smoothes. You can pretty much throw in whatever is left in your fridge, and they’re a great way to use up your produce before it goes bad.

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I Decided. (Continued)


Usually I would try and have a more original blog title, but I wanted to give you all a true update on my life since my I Decided. post. That post was a tipping point for me – it was my ‘I’ve had enough’ moment. And from that post came a domino affect that has only improved my life. It’s a particularly tough post for me to read, because it brings me right back to the painful day I wrote it. And things weren’t necessarily all sunshine and rainbows afterwards, either. That being said, my life has done a rapid 180. This is the utmost proof that you need to speak the things you want into existence in order for them to happen.

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Winter Skincare Routine


Skincare is something I try and take very seriously, while using as minimal product as possible. Depending on the time of year (especially how much humidity is in the air), my routine switches up. I have combo-dry skin, so this will not work for all skin types. Here is what I do in the winter/dry months:

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I Decided.


It is quite ironic that the thing that makes me feel the best is something I put off for so long when I am going through a rut. Oh, how I have missed blogging. It’s been a while since I have posted, and the lack of a creative outlet has definitely hurt me more than it has helped me. About once a year or so, I write a blog post about mental health and my personal struggles. This is unplanned, but it always seems to work out that way.

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Dealing with Loss

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Loss is one of those things that no matter how many times you experience it, it will always hurt as much as it did the first time. Loss is nothing new to me, and I’m well aware that it will only continue to enter my life as I age. The toughest thing about loss is that everybody handles it differently, and this makes it especially hard to comfort others in these trying times. We’ve all had different experiences, and we all grieve differently. There is no right or wrong way to handle the loss of a loved one.

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West Coast Adventures


I have been out to the West Coast once before (San Diego), and I’ve been looking to return for some time now. The opportunity presented itself when my aunt, Nadine, emailed my brother and I asking if we wanted to accompany her on her trip to visit our cousins who have been living out there for a while now. I could not have said, “YES” any faster than I did. (Johnathan was turning 21 that week, so he stayed home so he could go out for his 21st with his friends.)

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Digital Detox Diaries


Ah, social media – our best friend and our worst enemy. I’ve always (obviously) been a proponent of social media and have made a point of arguing that the good outweighs the bad, but lately, I just can’t stand behind that argument anymore. I’ve been noticing annoyance as my biggest emotion after opening an app, and that’s something I want to remove from my life at the current moment.

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DIY Flower Wall


As you may remember from my ‘Hey, MTV, Welcome to My Crib’ post, my room is my absolute favorite space, and I’m constantly looking for ways to add to it while maintaining my signature minimalist-yet-cozy vibe. A few months ago, I was scrolling on Instagram and saw this picture posted by Urban Outfitters, and I simply had to do it. Sunday is my favorite day to be productive, so while running errands, I decided today was the day to bring this idea to life!

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Hey MTV, Welcome to My Crib

Hi, everybody! So, I’m not going to lie – my room is one of my absolute favorite places on this planet. It’s something I’m really proud of, and it really accurately embodies who I am. After seeing it, people commonly ask me to decorate their space – which makes me feel AWESOME – so I figured I would give you guys a tour!

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50 Shades of Charcoal


I feel like activated charcoal is really one of those bandwagons everyone has been hopping on – and I now completely understand why! It is naturally detoxifying and has been around for ages. I’ve seen products ranging from skin care to teeth whitening to even juices with charcoal in them?! Clearly, activated charcoal is a pretty versatile ingredient. 

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