The Perfect Pumpkin Chai Latte

Your morning beverage of choice is about so much more than a boost of caffeine. It’s a pocket of time you’re taking intentionally for yourself – and for me, it completely sets the tone for my day. Personally, I am a chai gal. While I do enjoy the taste of coffee, the acidity and my stomach lining do NOT get along. I also love that chai gives me enough caffeine, sans the jitters that coffee brings.

I’ve loved a good chai latte since I was a kid. That being said, I’ve tried my fair share, and many haven’t impressed me. The best one I’ve had, to this day, is from Citispot in Clinton, New Jersey. As I can’t drive an hour every day to get my morning fix, I’ve been resorting to my runner up (Starbucks). With the Starbucks version, I have fun rotating out flavors depending on the season. My absolute favorite has been their pumpkin chai – but sadly, this is only available for a few months out of the year.


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Enough is Enough

Warning: this post contains content regarding sexual harassment/assault that can be triggering. Please proceed with caution and take any space you need.

Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. On average, there are 433,648 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault each year in the United States (data taken from The most disturbing thing about these stats? These are just the people who have come forward. If every single person reported every instance of sexual assault in her/his lifetime, these numbers would skyrocket.

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Kale Power Salad

Almost a whole year since my last recipe post! Now that I am working from home until further notice, I have more time to experiment with recipes and share my findings with you – so stay tuned!

I don’t know about you all, but I have been seriously struggling with balancing nutrition and convenience. The frozen meals are just so easy, and who knows when the next time I’ll be able to go to the grocery store is! However, I’m aware that this is only sustainable for so long. And I know myself well enough to know my current diet of bread and cheese is seriously contributing to my lack of energy.

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Life on Lockdown: Work/Life Balance

Just when we think we’ve seen it all by 2020, COVID-19 is here to show us otherwise. While many of us starting self-quarantining last week, NJ state government has stepped in and mandated it as of today – and I have a feeling things are only going to get more stringent going forward.

I generally consider myself an introvert, but this situation has taught me that I only enjoy being one on my own terms. Not when I’m forced to be alone. Greg and his roommate, Dan, are the only people I’ve seen in the last week, and I’m definitely feeling the lack of human interaction at this point.

My emotions have been all over the place, as I’m sure a lot of yours have been. I was originally one of the people who thought everyone was being a bit dramatic about everything – but then things rapidly (and scarily) advanced. The most frightening part of this all is that we’ve never experienced anything like this before. We don’t know what to expect – and as a result, we feel a serious lack of control.

To add to this, quite literally every platform possible is providing updates about either the rate of spread or number of deaths multiple times a day. It’s a lot, and I’m starting to feel suffocated. I don’t know about you all, but I had a super hard time focusing “at work” this entire week. Things just feel so… off.

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5 Things to Know Before Adopting a Second Cat

If you are reading this, I am guessing you already have a cat. If not, check out my 5 Things to Know Before Adopting Your First Cat post!

While I had my initial hesitations, I can now say I have zero regrets about getting a second cat for Milo. He has lost weight since Sunny’s arrival, his energy is up, and he is back to being a frisky, wild thing. It’s like having a kitten again… x2. The two of them have become the best of friends – they eat together, they play together, they fight together, and sleep together. They are two peas in a pod, and it truly warms my heart.

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5 Things to Know Before Adopting Your First Cat

I have been a lover of cats for as long as I remember. Pretty much any birthday card I received from family had a cat on it, and it was rare that I wasn’t with my family cat growing up. My first screen name was catluver189, and I even had a cat encyclopedia…I was a crazy cat lady before I knew the term even existed.

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10 Simple Switches to Help Our Environment

Now more than ever, it is imperative that we be conscious of the daily decisions we make and how they affect the world we live in. The environment is practically begging us to stop and change. Being mindful of the waste we create, the brands we choose, and the values we uphold not only benefits the environment, but it benefits everyone as a whole. Simply put, doing good, feels good!

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What’s In My Bag?

I have always looooved these type of posts for other people/bloggers. I don’t know why, but seeing the contents of other peoples’ bags, fridges, closets, etc. has always been so fascinating to me – it really tells a lot about a person. So, I decided to do one of my own!

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It’s Time to Detox: Makeup/Feminine Wellness


It’s 2019, and we have the world at our fingertips. With that comes a little too much knowledge, especially when it comes to the things that can cause our bodies harm. It’s hard to not to be scared of everything we’re seeing, but the best you can do is change one day at a time. Over the past few years, I’ve heard a lot about the food industry and what the harmful chemicals we consume on a daily basis can do to our bodies. Because I’m gluten-free, I’m already mindful of the ingredients that I’m ingesting, and I find myself eating more clean as a result. I rarely buy anything that isn’t organic, and I try and keep the processed food to a minimum (when it comes to eating at home).

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