I Decided. (Continued)


Usually I would try and have a more original blog title, but I wanted to give you all a true update on my life since my I Decided. post. That post was a tipping point for me – it was my ‘I’ve had enough’ moment. And from that post came a domino affect that has only improved my life. It’s a particularly tough post for me to read, because it brings me right back to the painful day I wrote it. And things weren’t necessarily all sunshine and rainbows afterwards, either. That being said, my life has done a rapid 180. This is the utmost proof that you need to speak the things you want into existence in order for them to happen.

I had briefly touched upon my declining relationship in my previous post, and that actually managed to get worse briefly after. I was aware there was dishonesty on the other end of our relationship, but it was one of those ‘if I don’t believe it, maybe it’s not real’ type of things, I guess. I so badly wanted to give this person the benefit of the doubt and just believe he wasn’t who I was starting to see he was. Sure enough, my second day into my new job, I was contacted by his “ex” girlfriend and found out that not only had he been lying to me for months, but he had also been seeing us both at the same time and lying to us both about it.

There is a lot more to the story – a lot of really upsetting and disturbing acts of manipulation/details I would rather not get into – but simply put, I had been in love with someone who wasn’t even close to the person I thought he was. That part aside, cheating on someone is the worst thing you could ever do to their self-esteem. It’s the lowest form of disrespect, and in my opinion, it’s unforgivable. And that’s where I was at. 2 days into my brand new job – faced with absolutely sickening news and trying to not lose it at work.

The silver lining in this is there was no part of me that wanted this person back anymore. There was no more “what if”, or “maybe in the future”. No. None of that. It was time I did and found better for myself – because I sure as hell deserve it. It pretty much catapulted me into creating the best version of my life possible, because let’s face it – a 4-hour, broken-hearted commute from my 2-square-mile town just wasn’t it. So, I put my best foot forward and started to make a plan.

I had the tough “I need to break the lease” talk with my roommate, which was only tough because I knew it meant we would have to stop living together (and anyone who knows us knows we were the Dynamic Duo of roommates). She was beyond understanding and truly such a huge support in the whole journey. Our landlord was also incredible about everything. We were able to find someone to take my spot in the leasse, and from there, I had to find a roommate. The challenge to this was I was determined to be out by May, so I had given myself only 2 weeks to find a roommate who is cool with a cat and wants to live in Hoboken.

So I did what I do best: spammed all of my social media. “ANYONE LOOKING TO MOVE TO HOBOKEN/JERSEY CITY/WEEHAWKEN FOR A ROOMMATE, PLEASE MESSAGE ME”. Desperate? Maybe. Did it work? YUP. Through a comment on my Facebook post (thank you Hannah!!), I discovered there was a ‘Hoboken and Jersey City Guide [Hoboken Girl Insiders’]’ Facebook group with a roommate thread. I felt like I had won the lottery! I reached out to multiple people, and finally, found a non-cat hater who wanted to move when I did! We connected and quickly found that we were going to get along really well (huge sigh of relief).

Next up, was the actual apartment search. Let me tell you!!!! Apartment searching with a 2-week time frame for a place near the city IS. NOT. A. FUN. TIME. We looked at 8 places on 2 week nights and really did not love anything. I know I often call myself Bad Luck Taylor (#BLT), but I was on a strange Good Luck Taylor (#GLT just doesn’t sound as good) streak that I was sure was just going to backfire. Right when we were starting to panic a little at the thought of having to pick a place, we heard back from a girl we reached out to who wanted to sublease her 2-bedroom in Hoboken. Not only did we love the apartment, but there was no broker’s fee (aka when any town near or in the city robs you a month of rent solely to live near or in the city, SMH) which was a pretty big deal to us. We looked at the place and signed the lease the next day.

All and all, things have been going SUSPICIOUSLYwell for me. The new job is definitely tough and has had some very long hours, but I’ve already learned so much about the pharmaceutical world – and I’m very excited to see where the next few months takes our brand. My team and client are fantastic, and I’m really starting to get to know them, which is great. My commute is down to about an hour and a half round trip (CAN I GET A HELL FREAKING YEAH?!), and the walk to the path forces me to get 40 minutes of exercise in every day, which is awesome, when you work a desk job. My cat is living his best life, and my roommate is the sweetest human ever. I’ve also started seeing someone, and he has shown me in such a short time how much more I deserve for myself and what I want in another person.

The takeaway from this post is life is only going to be as good as you make it. And sometimes that involves taking some major steps out of your comfort zone and truly creating a better life for yourself. Don’t be fooled, I’ve still had my ups and downs, but I really have no choice but to succeed in the new environment I’ve planted myself. And I’m truly excited. Finding my balance is definitely going to be a challenge and already has been, but it’s something to work on and learn more about myself while doing.

As always, thank you times a million to everyone who has helped me along the way.


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