Winter Skincare Routine


Skincare is something I try and take very seriously, while using as minimal product as possible. Depending on the time of year (especially how much humidity is in the air), my routine switches up. I have combo-dry skin, so this will not work for all skin types. Here is what I do in the winter/dry months:

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50 Shades of Charcoal


I feel like activated charcoal is really one of those bandwagons everyone has been hopping on – and I now completely understand why! It is naturally detoxifying and has been around for ages. I’ve seen products ranging from skin care to teeth whitening to even juices with charcoal in them?! Clearly, activated charcoal is a pretty versatile ingredient. 

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September POTM

Happy Friday! Since I haven’t really had a huge focus on the “beauty” portion of my blog, I have decided to start doing ‘Product of the Month’ posts! This month’s focus is on my newest facial cleanser: 

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