I Decided. (Continued)


Usually I would try and have a more original blog title, but I wanted to give you all a true update on my life since my I Decided. post. That post was a tipping point for me – it was my ‘I’ve had enough’ moment. And from that post came a domino affect that has only improved my life. It’s a particularly tough post for me to read, because it brings me right back to the painful day I wrote it. And things weren’t necessarily all sunshine and rainbows afterwards, either. That being said, my life has done a rapid 180. This is the utmost proof that you need to speak the things you want into existence in order for them to happen.

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Digital Detox Diaries


Ah, social media – our best friend and our worst enemy. I’ve always (obviously) been a proponent of social media and have made a point of arguing that the good outweighs the bad, but lately, I just can’t stand behind that argument anymore. I’ve been noticing annoyance as my biggest emotion after opening an app, and that’s something I want to remove from my life at the current moment.

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Embracing Medication and Taking My Life Back


Welcome back! Between switching departments at work, computer issues, and addressing my mental health, my blogging has (unfortunately) gone on the back burner. After spending a ton of time this holiday weekend with other people, I decided now would be a good opportunity to give some time to myself. 

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10 Ways to Make Your Own Day

When you’re caught up in the stop-and-go of life, it can be really easy to get overwhelmed and find yourself feeling down on yourself. Here are 10 easy ways to make your own day and get back in the groove of things.

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