Kale Power Salad

Almost a whole year since my last recipe post! Now that I am working from home until further notice, I have more time to experiment with recipes and share my findings with you – so stay tuned!

I don’t know about you all, but I have been seriously struggling with balancing nutrition and convenience. The frozen meals are just so easy, and who knows when the next time I’ll be able to go to the grocery store is! However, I’m aware that this is only sustainable for so long. And I know myself well enough to know my current diet of bread and cheese is seriously contributing to my lack of energy.

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It’s Time to Detox: Makeup/Feminine Wellness


It’s 2019, and we have the world at our fingertips. With that comes a little too much knowledge, especially when it comes to the things that can cause our bodies harm. It’s hard to not to be scared of everything we’re seeing, but the best you can do is change one day at a time. Over the past few years, I’ve heard a lot about the food industry and what the harmful chemicals we consume on a daily basis can do to our bodies. Because I’m gluten-free, I’m already mindful of the ingredients that I’m ingesting, and I find myself eating more clean as a result. I rarely buy anything that isn’t organic, and I try and keep the processed food to a minimum (when it comes to eating at home).

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Smooth(ie) Talk

Smoothies have always been a favorite of mine – they’re such a convenient way to jam-pack a single beverage with a ton of nutrients. I’m always randomly craving them, and that’s probably my body’s subtle way of begging for sustainable ingredients, LOL. They’re also one of the easiest drinks to make – there’s no exact science involved with smoothes. You can pretty much throw in whatever is left in your fridge, and they’re a great way to use up your produce before it goes bad.

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