Life on Lockdown: Work/Life Balance

Just when we think we’ve seen it all by 2020, COVID-19 is here to show us otherwise. While many of us starting self-quarantining last week, NJ state government has stepped in and mandated it as of today – and I have a feeling things are only going to get more stringent going forward.

I generally consider myself an introvert, but this situation has taught me that I only enjoy being one on my own terms. Not when I’m forced to be alone. Greg and his roommate, Dan, are the only people I’ve seen in the last week, and I’m definitely feeling the lack of human interaction at this point.

My emotions have been all over the place, as I’m sure a lot of yours have been. I was originally one of the people who thought everyone was being a bit dramatic about everything – but then things rapidly (and scarily) advanced. The most frightening part of this all is that we’ve never experienced anything like this before. We don’t know what to expect – and as a result, we feel a serious lack of control.

To add to this, quite literally every platform possible is providing updates about either the rate of spread or number of deaths multiple times a day. It’s a lot, and I’m starting to feel suffocated. I don’t know about you all, but I had a super hard time focusing “at work” this entire week. Things just feel so… off.

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