Anyone who knows me knows that sleep and I… well, we don’t get along very well. For many, many years I have been a renowned night owl, and I’m still trying to work on that. Thanks to this lifestyle, I have viewed mornings as the enemy for quite some time. However, that whole “adult with a career” thing forced me to change this outlook the hard way. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m a morning person now. ME? Taylor Maleski? A morning person?!?!? I know. I’m just as shocked as you are. I actually woke up willingly at 7 am last Sunday. W h a t t h e h e c k. It takes some trial and error, but trust me, it’s for the better. Here are some tips and tricks on how I made the switch:
Confessions of a Workaholic
Pictured above is what a typical week would look like for me. I have to “pencil” in everything – Yes, that includes scheduling my own BIRTHDAY. It’s the only way I’m able to (attempt) to keep track of everything and keep my head on straight.
To-Do Lists 101
To-do lists are legitimately the only reason my head has been able to stay on its shoulders for as long as it has. I have a million and one things to do/remember/keep track of, so it is truly the only way I am able to manage my life without forgetting the important things.