Life, Post-Grad

Ugh. Look how HAPPY I look – thinking graduation was the end to all my worries, the beginning of the next chapter in the book titled: ‘Taylor’s Life’. Okay, I’m being a little dramatic here. I will admit, though, this post is hard for me to write. A part of it is because I’ve been hit with post-grad blues the past week, and also I’ve been in moderate denial about it for a good majority of the summer. It also doesn’t help that while I’m seeing everyone go back to school this week, I’m grappling with the fact that I am not.

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10 Lessons from 2015

Most likely, I say this every single year, but 2015 has taught me so much more than I ever could have imagined. It was one the hardest (if not arguably THE hardest) years of my 21 years of existence so far. It was full of so many lessons, so many realizations, and so many acceptances.

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