Seeking Revenge: Why to Avoid It

In life, especially after being really hurt, it’s really easy to resort to anger rather than sadness.I am 100% a person who finds it easier to be angry. I think as humans, we innately have this weird power struggle within us that says being hurt is a sign of weakness. As the years have gone on, I’ve realized this is not the case. I would never think of a someone else as a weak person for feeling hurt, so I don’t really know why I default to that assumption for myself.

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Life, Post-Grad

Ugh. Look how HAPPY I look – thinking graduation was the end to all my worries, the beginning of the next chapter in the book titled: ‘Taylor’s Life’. Okay, I’m being a little dramatic here. I will admit, though, this post is hard for me to write. A part of it is because I’ve been hit with post-grad blues the past week, and also I’ve been in moderate denial about it for a good majority of the summer. It also doesn’t help that while I’m seeing everyone go back to school this week, I’m grappling with the fact that I am not.

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