5 Simple Ways to Becoming a Morning Person


Anyone who knows me knows that sleep and I… well, we don’t get along very well. For many, many years I have been a renowned night owl, and I’m still trying to work on that. Thanks to this lifestyle, I have viewed mornings as the enemy for quite some time. However, that whole “adult with a career” thing forced me to change this outlook the hard way. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m a morning person now. ME? Taylor Maleski? A morning person?!?!? I know. I’m just as shocked as you are. I actually woke up willingly at 7 am last Sunday. W h a t  t h e  h e c k. It takes some trial and error, but trust me, it’s for the better. Here are some tips and tricks on how I made the switch:

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10 Tips for Your Job Search

Hi, everyone! Happy Spring, and Happy Sunday! I know it’s been a long time since we’ve chatted… 5 MONTHS, to be exact. My. goodness. I’m cringing. The primary reason for my inadvertent hiatus has been that I was adjusting to a new job. Then, I quit that job, and very recently obtained another! (Super long story – will be writing about that another time, not to worry.) 

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2017 Resolutions

So, about halfway through writing this, my computer completely froze out of nowhere, and I had to do a force-restart… naturally causing me to lose all my work. You would think after 16+ years of school, I would’ve learned to save my work?! But, APPARENTLY! NOT! The reason I am opening with this is because a year ago, this would’ve caused me to completely freak out and probably get a migraine. Now, I’m a little disappointed, because I was really happy with the way I structured everything (and probably forgot half of it by now), but life goes on and the post will be completed, regardless. 

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Merry Cyber Monday To All: 10 Tips for Making the Most of this ‘Holiday’


With about 4 hours left, the biggest day of deals is coming to a close! Cyber Monday has, without a doubt, taken the place of Black Friday. Hard. Forget risking being trampled and waking up at horrifying hours – just whip out your laptop/phone/tablet in the comfort of your own bed. Technology has taken the place of shopping in the mall, and I am personally ay-okay with that. Cyber Monday is my favorite holiday (after Thanksgiving, of course), and I am here tonight to give you some tips on how to make the most of this day of savings. Ready… set… shop!

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Confronting Anxiety

In honor of this week’s #WorldMentalHealthDay, I have decided to write about something I have wanted to address for some time, but have not entirely been sure how to approach. I was hesitant about it, given that I do not want future employers to see this post and let that dictate how they see me or my working ability. However, I am now realizing that is even more of a reason to address this head-on. It’s time to break the stigma. Let’s talk about anxiety.

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Seeking Revenge: Why to Avoid It

In life, especially after being really hurt, it’s really easy to resort to anger rather than sadness.I am 100% a person who finds it easier to be angry. I think as humans, we innately have this weird power struggle within us that says being hurt is a sign of weakness. As the years have gone on, I’ve realized this is not the case. I would never think of a someone else as a weak person for feeling hurt, so I don’t really know why I default to that assumption for myself.

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Life, Post-Grad

Ugh. Look how HAPPY I look – thinking graduation was the end to all my worries, the beginning of the next chapter in the book titled: ‘Taylor’s Life’. Okay, I’m being a little dramatic here. I will admit, though, this post is hard for me to write. A part of it is because I’ve been hit with post-grad blues the past week, and also I’ve been in moderate denial about it for a good majority of the summer. It also doesn’t help that while I’m seeing everyone go back to school this week, I’m grappling with the fact that I am not.

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How to Worry Less and Start Living

I am writing this post with the intention of helping both you and I, well, worry less and try to actually live our lives. In today’s society, it’s really easy to get caught up in everything that is constantly being thrown at us: school stress, job searches, family, friends, health problems, social media – I mean everything. so, how do we sort through this clutter we call life? we’re about to find out. 

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10 Lessons from 2015

Most likely, I say this every single year, but 2015 has taught me so much more than I ever could have imagined. It was one the hardest (if not arguably THE hardest) years of my 21 years of existence so far. It was full of so many lessons, so many realizations, and so many acceptances.

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Finding Strength in Suffering

I think the most ironic part about being a psychology major is that you are constantly learning the warning signs, symptoms, devastations, recoveries, and prevalence of mental illness – yet you are so oblivious to being able to notice them developing within yourself. I guess that’s just one of the flaws that comes with being human – we will never see ourselves entirely accurately. When you think about it, the only true reflections we have of ourselves are our mirrors and the people we surround ourselves with.

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